The scenery in the village.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Village people
The scenery in the village.
I Have Bad Luck
Right as I take out my camera to take photos of us all dressed up in our beautiful three piece Bangladeshi outfits, the lens decides to break. I knew all that sand from the Philippines would catch up with me sometime,but I was just praying that my camera would last me through time in Bangladesh!
Therefore, I have NO pictures of the Bangladeshi wedding I went to. But, I can pilfer them from the others....
Dear Lord, why do you hate me so?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Random thoughts.
So I am two weeks late in starting my blog, and it feels like a lifetime since I have been here. I don't even know where to begin.
Dhaka is like nowhere I have ever been. People people people are everywhere. I thought people were kidding when they said Dhaka was crowded. Think Tokyo subway, but everywhere on the streets. The city's inadequate waste disposal infrastructure and transportation infrastructure results in the worst traffic jams imaginable and some pretty nasty smells of excrement in the air.
Everytime I get into a CNG (compressed natural gas vehicle), which is like a golf cart with doors, I feel like I am going to die. Like literally, get smooshed between two gigantic buses. However, I have to say that if you can drive in Dhaka, you can drive anywhere. I took a video of a ride in a CNG, will post later. Also, using your horn in Dhaka is the way driver's communicate to eachother. Rather than being rude, it's expected. If you don't honk every five seconds, you shouldn't be on the road.
AND, I have to be SOBER while trying to survive this city. It's illegal for Bangladeshi citizens to be in possession of alcoholic beverages (that really sucks) and it's not readily available for alcoholic foreigners like myself to get our hands on the good stuff. Sad that it felt SOO good when I finally had a beer and a glass of wine at the Nordic Club while watching World Cup soccer with a bunch of other "heathen" foreigners who were happily enjoying our little escape from the chaos outside.
Bangladeshis, like the Spanish, like to take two hour siestas for lunch. Everyday we get a lunch break from 1-3 PM. Good thing too, since the only restaurant the Grameen interns go eat at takes about 1 hour to serve us, and another 30 minutes to bring us the bill. Everything runs on Bangladeshi time, which is basically whenever they feel like it. For those of you who know me, my personality and my past life as a consultant has made me very impatient. This country drives me insane sometimes, but it's good for me, to chillax a bit and just go with the flow.
I met Yunus two days ago, he's the nicest old man. We celebrated his 70th birthday at a Social Venture conference in Dhaka, and I got my picture taken and my books signed! LEt me know if anyone wants any of his books, I can get them here for cheap.
Going to a Bangladeshi wedding tonight, will post pics later. The interns and I bought three piece suits to wear to the wedding. Exciting!
Alright, peacing out for now.